Grey Lite Theatre presents
"God's Favorite"
By Neil Simon
Directed by Susan J. Nelson
From the Director's Chair. . .
Leave it to Neil Simon to write a funny play based around the Book of Job -- transferring the scene to a Long Island mansion where resides a tycoon, his wife, a prodigal son, and a pair of twins. Then one night a messenger from God enters -- with a big G on his sweatshirt. Our modern Job (Joe Benjamin) won't renounce God, so a fire is sent to wipe him out--factory and home. Everything becomes a test of his faith, including his family. He tries listing his prodigal son's good qualities, but can't think of any. His wife asks him how he can love a God who makes him suffer, and Joe says his son makes him suffer, and he still loves him. Joe believes that he has been chosen to show how much a man can love God. He gets an itch, then neuralgia, tennis elbow, and hemorrhoids. Having lost everything, God, in the form of the messenger, answers him. The messenger admits losing and asks for a letter of recommendation, because he's been fired from his job as messenger.
Susan J. Nelson, Director
Tad Atkinson (David Benjamin) Tad most recently appeared as Dr. Craven in Grey Lite's production of The Secret Garden. Tad is working on his doctoral program at Ball State University, majoring in Literature with a minor in Composition. No stranger to Grey Lite audiences, Tad has appeared in Dancing at Lughnasa and The Music Man as well as running sound for A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. On other Fort Wayne stages, Tad has appeared in First Presbyterian, Civic, and Arena productions. A veteran of many different types of theatrical roles, David is the first drunkard he has ever played.
Jennifer Poiry Beatty (Rose Benjamin) Jennifer is returning to Grey Lite, having made her debut as Rose in The Secret Garden this past summer. She has performed in Fiddler of the Roof and West Side Story at Leo H.S. She has also performed in Carousel and Man of LaMancha at Center Stage. Jennifer hopes to attain a permanent elementary teaching position and continue working in theatre as well as possibly doing work as an extra in film or TV. She would like to thank her husband John, Mom, Dad, JS, TC, and MP.
Fred Douse (Sidney Lipton) Fred is currently acting in his second production at Grey Lite. His last time on stage was in Marie and Bruce and Self Torture and Strenuous Exercise, a real cheesecake experience. Fred spends his spare time working at Northwood Middle School, (yes, he finally has a job), coaching speech, writing for Frost Illustrated, listening to Patti LaBelle and of course, gossiping on the phone. Remember God loves you!
Patrick Garrett (Joe Benjamin) Tennessee born, Indiana raised, this man started acting at the age of 13 in Youtheatre's Pack Up Your Troubles. He continued performing throughout his school years at Youtheatre and North Side High School. In more recent years, Patrick has appeared in Ten Little Indians and Dial "M" For Murder at Arena Dinner Theatre. He is also active with the Park Forest Players. Pat is married to Lori and has two daughters, Kaitlyn and Kassie. A third daughter, Kenna Marie is expected in February of 1996. He works as a journeyman pipefitter for the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union 166.
Luke Hancock (Ben Benjamin) Luke is a sophomore at South Side High School. He loves to see shows as well as be in them. He has been in a number of shows such as Little Mary Sunshine, Oliver, Skin Of Our Teeth, Grapes of Wrath, and a few others. Luke is still working on the license thing.
Melissa Hershberger (Sarah Benjamin) Melissa plays the kookie twin sister and is an active sophomore at South Side High School. She has been in Peter Pan, Don't Drink the Water, Kiss Me Kate, and the upcoming production of Fame as Lambchops. Melissa was in The Secret Garden at Grey Lite this summer. She'd like to give thanks and love to her parents, her friends and Ms. Nelson.
Christy Reising (Maddy) Christy has been seen in many Grey Lite shows both on stage and behind stage...and she can't seem to get away. She's always drawn back. Christy's new life motto, (which she wants to share with everyone) is "Don't just wish upon a star...Reach for one!"
Michael Skiver (Morris) In real life, Michael is a Graphic Designer/Technician in Huntington. He returns to Grey Lite once again, having last performed here in Dancing at Lughnasa. Other GLP productions include City of Angels and A Mid-Summer Night's Dream.
The action takes place in the Benjamin mansion on the North Shore of Long Island.
Scene one - midnight
Scene two - two weeks later
The holocaust after
LIGHTS...Mandy Schoeff
Chris Chapman
SET CONSTRUCTION...Susan Nelson, Chris Chapman, Mandy Schoeff, Judy David
SOUND...Steve Hill

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